Tutorial 8: CV preset

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Official LightAutoML github repository is here

In this tutorial we will look how to apply LightAutoML to computer vision tasks.

Basically, the corresponding modules are designed to solve problems where the image is more of an auxiliary value (complement the rest of the data from the table) than for solving full-fledged CV problems. In LightAutoML working with images goes essentially through tabular data, that is, not the images themselves are used, but the paths for them. They should be written in a separate column, which needs to specify the corresponding 'path' role. The target variable and optionally other features are also specified in the table. To make predictions, numerical features are extracted from images, such as color histograms (RGB or HSV) and image embeddings based on EfficientNet (with the option to select a version and use AdvProp weights), and then standard machine learning models available in LightAutoML (as in conventional tabular presets) can be applied to them. By default, linear regression with L2 regularization and CatBoost are used. Linear regression is trained on image embeddings, CatBoost is trained on histogram features, and weighted blending is finally applied to their predictions.

As an example, let’s consider the Paddy Doctor competition - the task of multi-class classification, determining the type of paddy leaf disease based on photographs and other numerical features. Data is a set of images and a table, each row of which corresponds to a specific image with a specification of the path to it.

Importing libraries and preparing data

We will use the data from Kaggle. You can download the dataset from this link and import it in any convenient way. For example, we download the data using kaggle API and install some corresponding requirements. You can run next cell for loading data and installing packages in this way:

[ ]:
##Kaggle functionality for loading data; Note that you have to use your kaggle API token (see the link above):
# !pip install opendatasets
# !pip install -q kaggle
# !pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-deps kaggle
# !mkdir ~/.kaggle
# !ls ~/.kaggle
# !cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
# !chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
# !kaggle competitions download -c paddy-disease-classification

# #Unpack data:
# !mkdir paddy-disease
# !unzip paddy-disease-classification.zip -d paddy-disease

# #Install LightAutoML, Pandas and torch EfficientNet:
# !pip install -U lightautoml[cv] #[cv] is for installing CV tasks functionality

Then we will import the libraries we use in this kernel: - Standard python libraries for timing, working with OS etc. - Essential python DS libraries like numpy, pandas, scikit-learn and torch (the last we will use in the next cell) - LightAutoML modules: TabularCVAutoML preset for AutoML model creation and Task class to setup what kind of ML problem we solve (binary/multiclass classification or regression)

import os
os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"   # see issue #152
# Standard python libraries
import os
import time

# Essential DS libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, accuracy_score, confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import torch
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# LightAutoML presets, task and report generation
from lightautoml.automl.presets.image_presets import TabularCVAutoML
from lightautoml.tasks import Task
'nlp' extra dependecy package 'gensim' isn't installed. Look at README.md in repo 'LightAutoML' for installation instructions.
'nlp' extra dependecy package 'nltk' isn't installed. Look at README.md in repo 'LightAutoML' for installation instructions.
'nlp' extra dependecy package 'transformers' isn't installed. Look at README.md in repo 'LightAutoML' for installation instructions.
'nlp' extra dependecy package 'gensim' isn't installed. Look at README.md in repo 'LightAutoML' for installation instructions.
'nlp' extra dependecy package 'nltk' isn't installed. Look at README.md in repo 'LightAutoML' for installation instructions.
'nlp' extra dependecy package 'transformers' isn't installed. Look at README.md in repo 'LightAutoML' for installation instructions.
/home/dvladimirvasilyev/LightAutoML/lightautoml/ml_algo/dl_model.py:41: UserWarning: 'transformers' - package isn't installed
  warnings.warn("'transformers' - package isn't installed")
/home/dvladimirvasilyev/LightAutoML/lightautoml/text/nn_model.py:22: UserWarning: 'transformers' - package isn't installed
  warnings.warn("'transformers' - package isn't installed")
/home/dvladimirvasilyev/LightAutoML/lightautoml/text/dl_transformers.py:25: UserWarning: 'transformers' - package isn't installed
  warnings.warn("'transformers' - package isn't installed")

For better reproducibility fix numpy random seed with max number of threads for Torch (which usually try to use all the threads on server):


Let’s check the data we have:

INPUT_DIR = './paddy-disease/'
train_data = pd.read_csv(INPUT_DIR + 'train.csv')
(10407, 4)
image_id label variety age
0 100330.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45
1 100365.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45
2 100382.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45
3 100632.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45
4 101918.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45
normal                      1764
blast                       1738
hispa                       1594
dead_heart                  1442
tungro                      1088
brown_spot                   965
downy_mildew                 620
bacterial_leaf_blight        479
bacterial_leaf_streak        380
bacterial_panicle_blight     337
Name: label, dtype: int64
ADT45             6992
KarnatakaPonni     988
Ponni              657
AtchayaPonni       461
Zonal              399
AndraPonni         377
Onthanel           351
IR20               114
RR                  36
Surya               32
Name: variety, dtype: int64
70    3077
60    1660
50    1066
75     866
65     774
55     563
72     552
45     505
67     415
68     253
80     225
57     213
47     112
77      42
73      38
66      36
62       5
82       5
Name: age, dtype: int64
submission = pd.read_csv(INPUT_DIR + 'sample_submission.csv')
(3469, 2)
image_id label
0 200001.jpg NaN
1 200002.jpg NaN
2 200003.jpg NaN
3 200004.jpg NaN
4 200005.jpg NaN

Add a column with the full path to the images:


train_data['path'] = INPUT_DIR + 'train_images/' + train_data['label'] + '/' + train_data['image_id']
CPU times: user 4.89 ms, sys: 485 µs, total: 5.37 ms
Wall time: 5.14 ms
image_id label variety age path
0 100330.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
1 100365.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
2 100382.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
3 100632.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
4 101918.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
submission['path'] = INPUT_DIR + 'test_images/' + submission['image_id']
image_id label path
0 200001.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200001.jpg
1 200002.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200002.jpg
2 200003.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200003.jpg
3 200004.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200004.jpg
4 200005.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200005.jpg

Let’s expand the training data with augmentations: random rotations and flips:

[ ]:
from PIL import Image
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
new_imgs = []

for i, p in tqdm(enumerate(train_data['path'].values)):
    if i % 1000 == 0:

    img = Image.open(p)

    for it in range(10):
        new_img = img.rotate(np.random.rand() * 60 - 30, resample=3)

        if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
            new_img = new_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

        new_img_name = './paddy-disease/modified_train/' + p.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '_' + str(it) + '.jpg'
        new_imgs.append([new_img_name, p.split('/')[-2], p.split('/')[-1]])
train_data = pd.concat([train_data, pd.DataFrame(new_imgs, columns = ['path', 'label', 'image_id'])]).reset_index(drop = True)
image_id label variety age path
0 100330.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45.0 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
1 100365.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45.0 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
2 100382.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45.0 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
3 100632.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45.0 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
4 101918.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight ADT45 45.0 ./paddy-disease/train_images/bacterial_leaf_bl...
... ... ... ... ... ...
114472 110381.jpg tungro NaN NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_train/110381_5.jpg
114473 110381.jpg tungro NaN NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_train/110381_6.jpg
114474 110381.jpg tungro NaN NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_train/110381_7.jpg
114475 110381.jpg tungro NaN NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_train/110381_8.jpg
114476 110381.jpg tungro NaN NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_train/110381_9.jpg

114477 rows × 5 columns

Let’s do the same for the test dataset:

new_imgs = []

for i, p in tqdm(enumerate(submission['path'].values)):
    if i % 1000 == 0:

    img = Image.open(p)

    for it in range(5):
        new_img = img.rotate(np.random.rand() * 60 - 30, resample=3)
        if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
            new_img = new_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

        new_img_name = './paddy-disease/modified_test/' + p.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '_' + str(it) + '.jpg'
        new_imgs.append([new_img_name, p.split('/')[-1]])
submission = pd.concat([submission, pd.DataFrame(new_imgs, columns = ['path', 'image_id'])]).reset_index(drop = True)
image_id label path
0 200001.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200001.jpg
1 200002.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200002.jpg
2 200003.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200003.jpg
3 200004.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200004.jpg
4 200005.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/test_images/200005.jpg
... ... ... ...
20809 203469.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_test/203469_0.jpg
20810 203469.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_test/203469_1.jpg
20811 203469.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_test/203469_2.jpg
20812 203469.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_test/203469_3.jpg
20813 203469.jpg NaN ./paddy-disease/modified_test/203469_4.jpg

20814 rows × 3 columns

Task definition

Task type

On the cell below we create Task object - the class to setup what task LightAutoML model should solve with specific loss and metric if necessary (more info can be found here in our documentation). In general, it can be any type of tasks available in LightAutoML (binary and multi-class classification, one-dimensional and multi-dimensional regression, multi-label classification), but in this case we have a multi-class classification task:

task = Task('multiclass')

Default metric and loss in multi-class classification is cross-entropy.

Feature roles setup

Next we need to setup columns roles. It is necessary to specify the role of the target variable ('target'), as well as the role of the path to the images ('path') in the case of using TabularCVAutoML. We will also group the images (the original ones and their augmentations) and apply group k-fold cross-validation, specifying the column with ids as the 'group' role:

roles = {
    'target': 'label',
    'path': ['path'],
    'drop': ['variety', 'age'],
    'group': 'image_id'

Then we initialize TabularCVAutoML. It is possible to specify many parameters (reader parameters, time and memory limits etc), including the EfficientNet parameters for getting embeddings: version (B0 by default), device, batch size (128 by default), path for weights, AdvProp weights using (for better use of the shape in images, True by default) etc. Note that the Utilized version of TabularCVAutoML for more flexible use of time resources is not yet available.

automl = TabularCVAutoML(task = task,
                         timeout=5 * 3600,
                        cpu_limit = 2,
                        reader_params = {'cv': 5, 'random_state': 42})

AutoML training

To run autoML training use fit_predict method: - train_data - Dataset to train. - roles - Roles dict. - verbose - Controls the verbosity: the higher, the more messages. <1 : messages are not displayed; >=1 : the computation process for layers is displayed; >=2 : the information about folds processing is also displayed; >=3 : the hyperparameters optimization process is also displayed; >=4 : the training process for every algorithm is displayed;

Note: out-of-fold prediction is calculated during training and returned from the fit_predict method


oof_pred = automl.fit_predict(train_data, roles = roles, verbose = 3)
[14:04:32] Stdout logging level is INFO3.
[14:04:32] Task: multiclass

[14:04:32] Start automl preset with listed constraints:
[14:04:32] - time: 18000.00 seconds
[14:04:32] - CPU: 2 cores
[14:04:32] - memory: 16 GB

[14:04:32] Train data shape: (114477, 5)

[14:04:32] Layer 1 train process start. Time left 17999.83 secs
100%|██████████| 895/895 [07:29<00:00,  1.99it/s]
[14:12:09] Feature path transformed
[14:12:16] Start fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 ...
[14:12:17] ===== Start working with fold 0 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:12:26] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -0.9995305866945853
[14:12:32] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.6879959560713191
[14:12:38] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.5802952177399445
[14:12:45] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.3907926611544111
[14:12:51] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.33425017155675657
[14:13:00] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.2559518217619532
[14:13:07] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.24141776919439237
[14:13:15] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.2431661172897411
[14:13:23] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.25925367786528475
[14:13:24] ===== Start working with fold 1 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:13:32] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -0.9872444001968863
[14:13:39] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.6682540100549987
[14:13:45] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.5574685730009872
[14:13:51] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.3653461360638747
[14:13:58] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.31059360297670363
[14:14:05] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.2370436682635623
[14:14:14] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.22495884629469698
[14:14:21] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.23420873784566962
[14:14:29] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.25263966927426823
[14:14:29] ===== Start working with fold 2 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:14:37] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -0.9554531133528031
[14:14:43] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.640784196156178
[14:14:49] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.5345024606190905
[14:14:57] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.3546726337461952
[14:15:04] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.30344210801693483
[14:15:12] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.2331574262775805
[14:15:19] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.22071779776854528
[14:15:28] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.22603075278344578
[14:15:36] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.24138537694410292
[14:15:36] ===== Start working with fold 3 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:15:44] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -0.973115505822288
[14:15:51] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.6613476137718094
[14:15:56] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.5539538946164072
[14:16:04] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.3666276035478478
[14:16:10] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.31130200709742806
[14:16:18] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.2326339584928626
[14:16:25] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.21658099282365262
[14:16:33] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.21364841773406087
[14:16:42] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.2256018292053085
[14:16:51] Linear model: C = 0.5 score = -0.2763179966937595
[14:16:51] ===== Start working with fold 4 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:16:58] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -0.9531496536787142
[14:17:05] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.6270339670737181
[14:17:10] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.517302736118502
[14:17:17] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.331531311465719
[14:17:23] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.27798570249468424
[14:17:32] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.20448637290477473
[14:17:39] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.19081673660070902
[14:17:47] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.1923892363102242
[14:17:56] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.20661581389305533
[14:17:56] Fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 finished. score = -0.21831477243925082
[14:17:56] Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 fitting and predicting completed
[14:17:56] Time left 17195.98 secs

[14:22:15] Start fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost ...
[14:22:16] ===== Start working with fold 0 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:22:16] 0:   learn: 2.2636799        test: 2.2649649 best: 2.2649649 (0)     total: 6.85ms   remaining: 27.4s
[14:22:35] bestTest = 0.2436411292
[14:22:35] bestIteration = 3999
[14:22:35] ===== Start working with fold 1 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:22:36] 0:   learn: 2.2634692        test: 2.2632526 best: 2.2632526 (0)     total: 6.16ms   remaining: 24.6s
[14:22:55] bestTest = 0.2658199543
[14:22:55] bestIteration = 3999
[14:22:56] ===== Start working with fold 2 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:22:56] 0:   learn: 2.2631654        test: 2.2656298 best: 2.2656298 (0)     total: 6.08ms   remaining: 24.3s
[14:23:16] bestTest = 0.2753673319
[14:23:16] bestIteration = 3999
[14:23:16] ===== Start working with fold 3 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:23:17] 0:   learn: 2.2645696        test: 2.2657045 best: 2.2657045 (0)     total: 6.76ms   remaining: 27s
[14:23:37] bestTest = 0.2738943611
[14:23:37] bestIteration = 3996
[14:23:37] Shrink model to first 3997 iterations.
[14:23:37] ===== Start working with fold 4 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:23:38] 0:   learn: 2.2642805        test: 2.2644245 best: 2.2644245 (0)     total: 5.84ms   remaining: 23.4s
[14:23:57] bestTest = 0.2538460334
[14:23:57] bestIteration = 3999
[14:23:58] Fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost finished. score = -0.2625123265864018
[14:23:58] Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost fitting and predicting completed
[14:23:58] Time left 16834.07 secs

[14:23:58] Layer 1 training completed.

[14:23:58] Blending: optimization starts with equal weights and score -0.1879588701291192
/home/dvladimirvasilyev/anaconda3/envs/myenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/_classification.py:2916: UserWarning: The y_pred values do not sum to one. Starting from 1.5 thiswill result in an error.
[14:23:59] Blending: iteration 0: score = -0.18573794844833624, weights = [0.63928086 0.36071914]
[14:23:59] Blending: iteration 1: score = -0.18573794844833624, weights = [0.63928086 0.36071914]
[14:23:59] Blending: no score update. Terminated

[14:23:59] Automl preset training completed in 1167.35 seconds

[14:23:59] Model description:
Final prediction for new objects (level 0) =
         0.63928 * (5 averaged models Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2) +
         0.36072 * (5 averaged models Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost)

CPU times: user 18min 40s, sys: 3min 1s, total: 21min 42s
Wall time: 19min 27s

Сonsider out-of-fold predictions on train data. In case of classification, LightAutoML returns class probabilities as an output.

preds = train_data[['image_id', 'label']]
image_id label
0 100330.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight
1 100365.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight
2 100382.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight
3 100632.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight
4 101918.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight
... ... ...
114472 110381.jpg tungro
114473 110381.jpg tungro
114474 110381.jpg tungro
114475 110381.jpg tungro
114476 110381.jpg tungro

114477 rows × 2 columns

for i in range(10):
    preds['pred_' + str(i)] = oof_pred.data[:,i]

/tmp/ipykernel_12895/1432655611.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  preds['pred_' + str(i)] = oof_pred.data[:,i]
/tmp/ipykernel_12895/1432655611.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  preds['pred_' + str(i)] = oof_pred.data[:,i]
image_id label pred_0 pred_1 pred_2 pred_3 pred_4 pred_5 pred_6 pred_7 pred_8 pred_9
0 100330.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight 0.023245 0.315283 0.470886 0.002528 0.021895 0.007454 0.001554 0.157142 8.914904e-06 4.559626e-06
1 100365.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight 0.003717 0.011035 0.028317 0.000110 0.003178 0.000015 0.000131 0.953496 1.555987e-07 5.692390e-07
2 100382.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight 0.025734 0.095088 0.208473 0.000879 0.007030 0.003382 0.000142 0.659271 3.872871e-07 2.898941e-07
3 100632.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight 0.002876 0.542942 0.027466 0.000317 0.036005 0.000398 0.000082 0.389901 3.837710e-06 9.339438e-06
4 101918.jpg bacterial_leaf_blight 0.009988 0.033572 0.017635 0.000032 0.008310 0.000136 0.000041 0.930286 1.554736e-07 1.530466e-07
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
114472 110381.jpg tungro 0.001716 0.109143 0.020722 0.001495 0.845324 0.000177 0.021384 0.000027 6.304998e-06 6.075803e-06
114473 110381.jpg tungro 0.022644 0.137650 0.026389 0.004165 0.788036 0.001093 0.019688 0.000259 3.142513e-05 4.477663e-05
114474 110381.jpg tungro 0.016897 0.072329 0.010469 0.005554 0.789777 0.001240 0.103631 0.000060 1.301366e-05 2.972130e-05
114475 110381.jpg tungro 0.008637 0.114299 0.082281 0.003465 0.560001 0.000741 0.230260 0.000112 1.909918e-04 1.351225e-05
114476 110381.jpg tungro 0.004179 0.099988 0.008320 0.004660 0.822037 0.000663 0.059627 0.000318 1.922170e-04 1.441010e-05

114477 rows × 12 columns

We will average forecasts for images by their augmentations:

preds = preds.groupby(['image_id', 'label']).mean().reset_index()
image_id label pred_0 pred_1 pred_2 pred_3 pred_4 pred_5 pred_6 pred_7 pred_8 pred_9
0 100001.jpg brown_spot 0.001334 0.000791 0.002372 5.432664e-03 0.005328 0.978495 0.002519 0.003511 7.897679e-05 1.378119e-04
1 100002.jpg normal 0.978428 0.011744 0.001621 3.187062e-03 0.002579 0.000282 0.000156 0.001969 3.391063e-05 1.971700e-07
2 100003.jpg hispa 0.004639 0.002192 0.992883 1.573081e-07 0.000026 0.000037 0.000005 0.000218 1.920397e-07 1.528186e-07
3 100004.jpg blast 0.000259 0.982406 0.004401 7.787708e-03 0.002372 0.002163 0.000173 0.000115 3.223106e-04 4.848040e-07
4 100005.jpg hispa 0.010951 0.047475 0.829855 1.200308e-05 0.091933 0.000418 0.018967 0.000370 1.118553e-05 8.759866e-06
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
10402 110403.jpg tungro 0.001664 0.002167 0.007366 4.507852e-03 0.981122 0.000052 0.001666 0.001455 1.527430e-07 3.928369e-07
10403 110404.jpg normal 0.932484 0.002359 0.049850 1.244102e-05 0.011696 0.000593 0.002646 0.000304 4.828784e-05 7.773816e-06
10404 110405.jpg dead_heart 0.000192 0.000044 0.000152 9.994839e-01 0.000001 0.000025 0.000058 0.000003 1.957294e-06 3.789358e-05
10405 110406.jpg blast 0.000226 0.977683 0.000268 9.254745e-03 0.004962 0.000595 0.004523 0.001717 5.624577e-04 2.080105e-04
10406 110407.jpg brown_spot 0.000009 0.000188 0.000539 4.357956e-04 0.000232 0.997215 0.000039 0.000010 1.319862e-03 1.372061e-05

10407 rows × 12 columns

Assign classes by maximum class probability:

OOFs = np.argmax(preds[['pred_' + str(i) for i in range(10)]].values, axis = 1)
array([5, 0, 2, ..., 3, 1, 5])

Let’s see classification accuracy on train:

accuracy = (OOFs == preds['label'].map(automl.reader.class_mapping)).mean()
print(f'Out-of-fold accuracy: {accuracy}')
Out-of-fold accuracy: 0.9686749303353512

Also to estimate the quality of classification, we can use the confusion matrix:

cf_matrix = confusion_matrix(preds['label'].map(automl.reader.class_mapping),

plt.figure(figsize = (10, 10))

ax = sns.heatmap(cf_matrix, annot=True, cmap='Blues', fmt = 'd')

ax.set_title('Seaborn Confusion Matrix with labels\n\n');
ax.set_xlabel('\nPredicted Values')
ax.set_ylabel('Actual Values ');

inverse_class_mapping = {y: x for x,y in automl.reader.class_mapping.items()}
labels = [inverse_class_mapping[i] for i in range(len(inverse_class_mapping))]
ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(labels, rotation = 90)
ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(labels, rotation = 0)


Predict for test dataset

Now we are also ready to predict for our test competition dataset and submission file creation:


te_pred = automl.predict(submission)
print(f'Prediction for te_data:\n{te_pred}\nShape = {te_pred.shape}')
100%|██████████| 163/163 [01:28<00:00,  1.84it/s]
[14:28:22] Feature path transformed
Prediction for te_data:
array([[1.57098308e-01, 2.81519257e-03, 5.96348643e-01, ...,
        1.08084995e-02, 1.95845146e-07, 1.42198633e-05],
       [9.83384371e-01, 6.52049668e-04, 1.45791359e-02, ...,
        1.12365209e-03, 9.75986836e-07, 1.95965598e-07],
       [1.68020770e-01, 3.79674375e-01, 1.86414778e-01, ...,
        1.67078048e-03, 1.21877249e-03, 3.75247910e-03],
       [1.05072348e-03, 1.24680300e-05, 5.70231769e-03, ...,
        4.37476301e-05, 1.52421890e-07, 1.81421214e-07],
       [6.52685121e-04, 4.47798493e-06, 5.04824053e-03, ...,
        2.13344283e-05, 1.52417726e-07, 1.62638599e-07],
       [1.57185504e-03, 1.01540554e-05, 2.53849756e-02, ...,
        1.17763964e-04, 1.52426963e-07, 1.77946404e-07]], dtype=float32)
Shape = (20814, 10)
CPU times: user 55.8 s, sys: 21.6 s, total: 1min 17s
Wall time: 2min 19s
sub = submission[['image_id']]
for i in range(10):
    sub['pred_' + str(i)] = te_pred.data[:,i]

/tmp/ipykernel_12895/1185757098.py:3: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  sub['pred_' + str(i)] = te_pred.data[:,i]
image_id pred_0 pred_1 pred_2 pred_3 pred_4 pred_5 pred_6 pred_7 pred_8 pred_9
0 200001.jpg 0.157098 0.002815 0.596349 0.020590 1.148577e-01 0.095614 0.001854 0.010808 1.958451e-07 1.421986e-05
1 200002.jpg 0.983384 0.000652 0.014579 0.000139 6.825896e-05 0.000044 0.000008 0.001124 9.759868e-07 1.959656e-07
2 200003.jpg 0.168021 0.379674 0.186415 0.000225 1.850213e-03 0.036919 0.220253 0.001671 1.218772e-03 3.752479e-03
3 200004.jpg 0.000013 0.990730 0.008530 0.000097 1.116415e-04 0.000215 0.000111 0.000037 1.548404e-04 1.946677e-07
4 200005.jpg 0.000340 0.999536 0.000031 0.000002 6.857538e-07 0.000003 0.000007 0.000029 5.404088e-07 4.985940e-05
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20809 203469.jpg 0.003061 0.000017 0.041731 0.943745 1.648944e-04 0.010877 0.000146 0.000258 1.524480e-07 2.509265e-07
20810 203469.jpg 0.000430 0.000003 0.002508 0.993409 2.613632e-05 0.003580 0.000007 0.000036 1.524176e-07 1.595918e-07
20811 203469.jpg 0.001051 0.000012 0.005702 0.989972 5.734707e-05 0.003144 0.000018 0.000044 1.524219e-07 1.814212e-07
20812 203469.jpg 0.000653 0.000004 0.005048 0.990724 3.223727e-05 0.003505 0.000012 0.000021 1.524177e-07 1.626386e-07
20813 203469.jpg 0.001572 0.000010 0.025385 0.965282 1.030424e-04 0.007472 0.000058 0.000118 1.524270e-07 1.779464e-07

20814 rows × 11 columns

sub = sub.groupby(['image_id']).mean().reset_index()
image_id pred_0 pred_1 pred_2 pred_3 pred_4 pred_5 pred_6 pred_7 pred_8 pred_9
0 200001.jpg 0.127650 0.001409 0.599914 0.017568 0.136898 0.106915 0.001796 0.007829 8.801418e-06 1.216593e-05
1 200002.jpg 0.937035 0.000638 0.060420 0.000098 0.000105 0.000096 0.000016 0.001586 6.087082e-06 2.249314e-07
2 200003.jpg 0.120163 0.523312 0.106169 0.000473 0.000748 0.042688 0.201373 0.002807 1.389023e-03 8.788786e-04
3 200004.jpg 0.000020 0.888623 0.006415 0.001150 0.000430 0.004390 0.000616 0.001799 9.654120e-02 1.466518e-05
4 200005.jpg 0.000680 0.998898 0.000085 0.000009 0.000001 0.000002 0.000021 0.000172 1.743805e-06 1.304403e-04
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3464 203465.jpg 0.000224 0.002143 0.001514 0.990281 0.002657 0.000401 0.001074 0.000134 1.530934e-03 4.091801e-05
3465 203466.jpg 0.250769 0.007148 0.741840 0.000002 0.000022 0.000013 0.000076 0.000129 2.629060e-07 2.120279e-07
3466 203467.jpg 0.960745 0.004105 0.001135 0.000646 0.016724 0.008584 0.000062 0.007749 2.438365e-04 6.326832e-06
3467 203468.jpg 0.003675 0.001097 0.038018 0.000038 0.000483 0.000310 0.000223 0.000208 9.551883e-01 7.596347e-04
3468 203469.jpg 0.001372 0.000012 0.015432 0.977533 0.000086 0.005415 0.000046 0.000104 1.524300e-07 1.962799e-07

3469 rows × 11 columns

TEs = pd.Series(np.argmax(sub[['pred_' + str(i) for i in range(10)]].values, axis = 1)).map(inverse_class_mapping)
0                       hispa
1                      normal
2                       blast
3                       blast
4                       blast
3464               dead_heart
3465                    hispa
3466                   normal
3467    bacterial_leaf_streak
3468               dead_heart
Length: 3469, dtype: object
sub['label'] = TEs
sub[['image_id', 'label']].to_csv('LightAutoML_TabularCVAutoML_with_aug.csv', index = False)
sub[['image_id', 'label']]
image_id label
0 200001.jpg hispa
1 200002.jpg normal
2 200003.jpg blast
3 200004.jpg blast
4 200005.jpg blast
... ... ...
3464 203465.jpg dead_heart
3465 203466.jpg hispa
3466 203467.jpg normal
3467 203468.jpg bacterial_leaf_streak
3468 203469.jpg dead_heart

3469 rows × 2 columns

No we can choose another model from timm. So we will use resnet50.a1_in1k, by default it uses vit_base_patch16_224.augreg_in21k

automl = TabularCVAutoML(task = task,
                         timeout=5 * 3600,
                         autocv_features={"embed_model": 'timm/tf_efficientnetv2_b0.in1k'},
                        cpu_limit = 2,
                        reader_params = {'cv': 5, 'random_state': 42})

oof_pred = automl.fit_predict(train_data, roles = roles, verbose = 3)
[14:37:43] Stdout logging level is INFO3.
[14:37:43] Task: multiclass

[14:37:43] Start automl preset with listed constraints:
[14:37:43] - time: 18000.00 seconds
[14:37:43] - CPU: 2 cores
[14:37:43] - memory: 16 GB

[14:37:43] Train data shape: (114477, 5)

[14:37:43] Layer 1 train process start. Time left 17999.80 secs
100%|██████████| 895/895 [06:43<00:00,  2.22it/s]
[14:44:31] Feature path transformed
[14:44:41] Start fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 ...
[14:44:41] ===== Start working with fold 0 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:44:53] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -1.2282992628176856
[14:45:04] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.9078946864858105
[14:45:14] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.7903223383077203
[14:45:25] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.5805263796419443
[14:45:37] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.5191830537228186
[14:45:48] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.44237800607788724
[14:46:01] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.4332587963951451
[14:46:16] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.4659824021930572
[14:46:28] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.49696980356910764
[14:46:29] ===== Start working with fold 1 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:46:40] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -1.1941203869888553
[14:46:50] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.870315687726058
[14:47:00] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.7542737074009194
[14:47:11] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.5565397834768919
[14:47:23] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.5021799803891854
[14:47:37] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.4375446715586552
[14:47:49] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.4337117229695793
[14:48:03] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.47678539878379567
[14:48:16] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.5100193461879381
[14:48:16] ===== Start working with fold 2 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:48:27] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -1.1828501053814764
[14:48:39] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.8603329618510173
[14:48:48] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.7451147263666518
[14:48:59] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.5469582228988039
[14:49:12] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.49160247842297417
[14:49:24] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.4257572256164155
[14:49:37] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.4188241529929714
[14:49:50] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.4522382557188784
[14:50:03] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.48277984079191094
[14:50:04] ===== Start working with fold 3 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:50:15] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -1.1958343845422246
[14:50:26] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.878725101433787
[14:50:35] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.7660166437189271
[14:50:45] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.5679153687919936
[14:50:59] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.5110457138416219
[14:51:10] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.44229320617124224
[14:51:23] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.43663952743918066
[14:51:37] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.47363171137894655
[14:51:51] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.5032655687259646
[14:51:51] ===== Start working with fold 4 for Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 =====
[14:52:02] Linear model: C = 1e-05 score = -1.1804715353776323
[14:52:13] Linear model: C = 5e-05 score = -0.8529105474280552
[14:52:21] Linear model: C = 0.0001 score = -0.7373622302487922
[14:52:32] Linear model: C = 0.0005 score = -0.537561225715503
[14:52:43] Linear model: C = 0.001 score = -0.48106564988541606
[14:52:57] Linear model: C = 0.005 score = -0.4138154861612588
[14:53:09] Linear model: C = 0.01 score = -0.40990101492044817
[14:53:23] Linear model: C = 0.05 score = -0.44904189928940963
[14:53:36] Linear model: C = 0.1 score = -0.4789966864522385
[14:53:36] Fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 finished. score = -0.4264683916927181
[14:53:36] Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2 fitting and predicting completed
[14:53:36] Time left 17046.53 secs

[14:58:02] Start fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost ...
[14:58:02] ===== Start working with fold 0 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:58:02] 0:   learn: 2.2636799        test: 2.2649651 best: 2.2649651 (0)     total: 10.4ms   remaining: 41.6s
[14:58:22] bestTest = 0.2436411292
[14:58:22] bestIteration = 3999
[14:58:23] ===== Start working with fold 1 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:58:23] 0:   learn: 2.2634693        test: 2.2632523 best: 2.2632523 (0)     total: 6.07ms   remaining: 24.3s
[14:58:43] bestTest = 0.2658199756
[14:58:43] bestIteration = 3999
[14:58:43] ===== Start working with fold 2 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:58:44] 0:   learn: 2.2631659        test: 2.2656305 best: 2.2656305 (0)     total: 6.52ms   remaining: 26.1s
[14:59:03] bestTest = 0.2753673959
[14:59:03] bestIteration = 3999
[14:59:04] ===== Start working with fold 3 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:59:04] 0:   learn: 2.2645703        test: 2.2657044 best: 2.2657044 (0)     total: 6.13ms   remaining: 24.5s
[14:59:24] bestTest = 0.2738942971
[14:59:24] bestIteration = 3996
[14:59:24] Shrink model to first 3997 iterations.
[14:59:24] ===== Start working with fold 4 for Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost =====
[14:59:25] 0:   learn: 2.2642798        test: 2.2644247 best: 2.2644247 (0)     total: 5.95ms   remaining: 23.8s
[14:59:44] bestTest = 0.2538460547
[14:59:44] bestIteration = 3999
[14:59:45] Fitting Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost finished. score = -0.2625123265864018
[14:59:45] Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost fitting and predicting completed
[14:59:45] Time left 16678.32 secs

[14:59:45] Layer 1 training completed.

[14:59:45] Blending: optimization starts with equal weights and score -0.2561708318332855
/home/dvladimirvasilyev/anaconda3/envs/myenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/_classification.py:2916: UserWarning: The y_pred values do not sum to one. Starting from 1.5 thiswill result in an error.
[14:59:45] Blending: iteration 0: score = -0.23692344794948073, weights = [0.19089036 0.8091096 ]
[14:59:46] Blending: iteration 1: score = -0.23692344794948073, weights = [0.19089036 0.8091096 ]
[14:59:46] Blending: no score update. Terminated

[14:59:46] Automl preset training completed in 1323.26 seconds

[14:59:46] Model description:
Final prediction for new objects (level 0) =
         0.19089 * (5 averaged models Lvl_0_Pipe_0_Mod_0_LinearL2) +
         0.80911 * (5 averaged models Lvl_0_Pipe_1_Mod_0_CatBoost)

CPU times: user 20min 56s, sys: 1min 25s, total: 22min 22s
Wall time: 22min 3s

te_pred = automl.predict(submission)
print(f'Prediction for te_data:\n{te_pred}\nShape = {te_pred.shape}')
100%|██████████| 163/163 [01:16<00:00,  2.13it/s]
[15:01:03] Feature path transformed
Prediction for te_data:
array([[5.8534566e-02, 6.8576052e-03, 4.5334366e-01, ..., 1.5735241e-02,
        4.2415738e-07, 2.8625556e-05],
       [9.6386713e-01, 1.4697504e-03, 3.2047924e-02, ..., 2.0407902e-03,
        6.7228694e-07, 1.4319470e-07],
       [3.5120246e-01, 2.9431397e-01, 1.9644174e-01, ..., 2.2667376e-04,
        6.4593733e-06, 5.9228983e-05],
       [2.3565248e-03, 2.7670001e-05, 1.2790265e-02, ..., 9.7831573e-05,
        4.5524594e-08, 1.1057142e-07],
       [1.4637065e-03, 9.7479615e-06, 1.1323140e-02, ..., 4.7557736e-05,
        4.5515264e-08, 6.8441139e-08],
       [3.5254466e-03, 2.2519611e-05, 5.6939691e-02, ..., 2.6386546e-04,
        4.5536019e-08, 1.7701051e-07]], dtype=float32)
Shape = (20814, 10)
CPU times: user 13 s, sys: 3.3 s, total: 16.3 s
Wall time: 2min 7s

Our submission has 0.95770 accuracy on public and 0.95276 accuracy on private leaderboard (Alexander Ryzhkov account).

Additional materials