Source code for lightautoml.transformers.numeric

"""Numeric features transformers."""

from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from ..dataset.base import LAMLDataset
from ..dataset.np_pd_dataset import NumpyDataset
from ..dataset.np_pd_dataset import PandasDataset
from ..dataset.roles import CategoryRole
from ..dataset.roles import NumericRole
from .base import LAMLTransformer

# type - something that can be converted to pandas dataset
NumpyTransformable = Union[NumpyDataset, PandasDataset]

def numeric_check(dataset: LAMLDataset):
    """Check if all passed vars are categories.

        dataset: Dataset to check.

        AssertionError: If there is non number role.

    roles = dataset.roles
    features = dataset.features
    for f in features:
        assert roles[f].name == "Numeric", "Only numbers accepted in this transformer"

[docs]class NaNFlags(LAMLTransformer): """Create NaN flags.""" _fit_checks = (numeric_check,) _transform_checks = () _fname_prefix = "nanflg"
[docs] def __init__(self, nan_rate: float = 0.005): """ Args: nan_rate: Nan rate cutoff. """ self.nan_rate = nan_rate
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable): """Extract nan flags. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of categorical features. Returns: self. """ # set transformer names and add checks for check_func in self._fit_checks: check_func(dataset) # set transformer features # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = # fit ... ds_nan_rate = np.isnan(data).mean(axis=0) self.nan_cols = [name for (name, nan_rate) in zip(dataset.features, ds_nan_rate) if nan_rate > self.nan_rate] self._features = list(self.nan_cols) return self
[docs] def transform(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable) -> NumpyDataset: """Transform - extract null flags. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of categorical features. Returns: Numpy dataset with encoded labels. """ # checks here super().transform(dataset) # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() nans = dataset[:, self.nan_cols].data # transform new_arr = np.isnan(nans).astype(np.float32) # create resulted output = dataset.empty().to_numpy() output.set_data(new_arr, self.features, NumericRole(np.float32)) return output
[docs]class FillnaMedian(LAMLTransformer): """Fillna with median.""" _fit_checks = (numeric_check,) _transform_checks = () _fname_prefix = "fillnamed"
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable): """Estimate medians. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of categorical features. Returns: self. """ # set transformer names and add checks super().fit(dataset) # set transformer features # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = self.meds = np.nanmedian(data, axis=0) self.meds[np.isnan(self.meds)] = 0 return self
[docs] def transform(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable) -> NumpyDataset: """Transform - fillna with medians. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of categorical features. Returns: Numpy dataset with encoded labels. """ # checks here super().transform(dataset) # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = # transform data = np.where(np.isnan(data), self.meds, data) # create resulted output = dataset.empty().to_numpy() output.set_data(data, self.features, NumericRole(np.float32)) return output
[docs]class FillInf(LAMLTransformer): """Fill inf with nan to handle as nan value.""" _fit_checks = (numeric_check,) _transform_checks = () _fname_prefix = "fillinf"
[docs] def transform(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable) -> NumpyDataset: """Replace inf to nan. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of categorical features. Returns: Numpy dataset with encoded labels. """ # checks here super().transform(dataset) # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = # transform data = np.where(np.isinf(data), np.nan, data) # create resulted output = dataset.empty().to_numpy() output.set_data(data, self.features, NumericRole(np.float32)) return output
[docs]class LogOdds(LAMLTransformer): """Convert probs to logodds.""" _fit_checks = (numeric_check,) _transform_checks = () _fname_prefix = "logodds"
[docs] def transform(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable) -> NumpyDataset: """Transform - convert num values to logodds. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of categorical features. Returns: Numpy dataset with encoded labels. """ # checks here super().transform(dataset) # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = # transform # TODO: maybe np.exp and then cliping and logodds? data = np.clip(data, 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7) data = np.log(data / (1 - data)) # create resulted output = dataset.empty().to_numpy() output.set_data(data, self.features, NumericRole(np.float32)) return output
[docs]class StandardScaler(LAMLTransformer): """Classic StandardScaler.""" _fit_checks = (numeric_check,) _transform_checks = () _fname_prefix = "scaler"
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable): """Estimate means and stds. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of categorical features. Returns: self. """ # set transformer names and add checks super().fit(dataset) # set transformer features # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = self.means = np.nanmean(data, axis=0) self.stds = np.nanstd(data, axis=0) # Fix zero stds to 1 self.stds[(self.stds == 0) | np.isnan(self.stds)] = 1 return self
[docs] def transform(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable) -> NumpyDataset: """Scale test data. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of numeric features. Returns: Numpy dataset with encoded labels. """ # checks here super().transform(dataset) # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = # transform data = (data - self.means) / self.stds # create resulted output = dataset.empty().to_numpy() output.set_data(data, self.features, NumericRole(np.float32)) return output
[docs]class QuantileBinning(LAMLTransformer): """Discretization of numeric features by quantiles.""" _fit_checks = (numeric_check,) _transform_checks = () _fname_prefix = "qntl"
[docs] def __init__(self, nbins: int = 10): """ Args: nbins: maximum number of bins. """ self.nbins = nbins
[docs] def fit(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable): """Estimate bins borders. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of numeric features. Returns: self. """ # set transformer names and add checks super().fit(dataset) # set transformer features # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = sl = np.isnan(data) grid = np.linspace(0, 1, self.nbins + 1)[1:-1] self.bins = [] for n in range(data.shape[1]): q = np.quantile(data[:, n][~sl[:, n]], q=grid) q = np.unique(q) self.bins.append(q) return self
[docs] def transform(self, dataset: NumpyTransformable) -> NumpyDataset: """Apply bin borders. Args: dataset: Pandas or Numpy dataset of numeric features. Returns: Numpy dataset with encoded labels. """ # checks here super().transform(dataset) # convert to accepted dtype and get attributes dataset = dataset.to_numpy() data = # transform sl = np.isnan(data) new_data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.int32) for n, b in enumerate(self.bins): new_data[:, n] = np.searchsorted(b, np.where(sl[:, n], np.inf, data[:, n])) + 1 new_data = np.where(sl, 0, new_data) # create resulted output = dataset.empty().to_numpy() output.set_data(new_data, self.features, CategoryRole(np.int32, label_encoded=True)) return output