Source code for

"""Nested MLPipeline."""

import logging

from copy import copy
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pandas import Series

from ...dataset.np_pd_dataset import NumpyDataset
from ...ml_algo.base import PandasDataset
from ...ml_algo.base import TabularDataset
from ...ml_algo.base import TabularMLAlgo
from ...ml_algo.tuning.base import DefaultTuner
from ...ml_algo.tuning.base import ParamsTuner
from ...ml_algo.utils import tune_and_fit_predict
from ...reader.utils import set_sklearn_folds
from ...utils.timer import PipelineTimer
from ...validation.base import TrainValidIterator
from ...validation.utils import create_validation_iterator
from ..features.base import FeaturesPipeline
from ..selection.base import SelectionPipeline
from ..selection.importance_based import ImportanceEstimator
from .base import MLPipeline

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NestedTabularMLAlgo(TabularMLAlgo, ImportanceEstimator): """ Wrapper for MLAlgo to make it trainable over nested folds. Limitations - only for ``TabularMLAlgo``. """ @property def params(self) -> dict: """Parameters of ml_algo.""" if self._ml_algo._params is None: self._ml_algo._params = copy(self.default_params) return self._ml_algo._params @params.setter def params(self, new_params: dict): assert isinstance(new_params, dict) self._ml_algo.params = {**self._ml_algo.params, **new_params} self._params = self._ml_algo.params
[docs] def init_params_on_input(self, train_valid_iterator: TrainValidIterator) -> dict: """Init params depending on input data. Returns: dict with model hyperparameters. """ return self._ml_algo.init_params_on_input(train_valid_iterator)
def __init__( self, ml_algo: TabularMLAlgo, tuner: Optional[ParamsTuner] = None, refit_tuner: bool = False, cv: int = 5, n_folds: Optional[int] = None, ): self._name = self._default_params = ml_algo.default_params super().__init__(default_params=ml_algo.default_params) self.default_params = ml_algo.default_params self._params_tuner = tuner self._refit_tuner = refit_tuner # take timer from inner algo and set to outer self.timer = ml_algo.timer if self.timer.key is not None: self.timer.key = "nested_" + self.timer.key # reset inner timer self._ml_algo = ml_algo.set_timer(PipelineTimer().start().get_task_timer()) self.nested_cv = cv self.n_folds = n_folds def fit_predict(self, train_valid_iterator: TrainValidIterator) -> NumpyDataset: self.timer.start() div = len(train_valid_iterator) if self.n_folds is None else self.n_folds self._per_task_timer = self.timer.time_left / div return super().fit_predict(train_valid_iterator)
[docs] def fit_predict_single_fold(self, train: TabularDataset, valid: TabularDataset) -> Tuple[Any, np.ndarray]: """Implements training and prediction on single fold. Args: train: TabularDataset to train. valid: TabularDataset to validate. Returns: Tuple (model, predicted_values). """ logger.info3("Start fit_predict for nested model on a single fold ...") # TODO: rewrite if isinstance(train, PandasDataset): train.folds = pd.Series( set_sklearn_folds( train.task,, self.nested_cv, random_state=42,, ) ) else: train.folds = set_sklearn_folds( train.task,, self.nested_cv, random_state=42,, ) train_valid = create_validation_iterator(train, n_folds=self.n_folds) model = deepcopy(self._ml_algo) model.set_timer(PipelineTimer(timeout=self._per_task_timer, overhead=0).start().get_task_timer()) logger.debug(self._ml_algo.params) tuner = self._params_tuner if self._refit_tuner: tuner = deepcopy(tuner) if tuner is None: logger.debug("Run without tuner") model.fit_predict(train_valid) else: logger.debug("Run with tuner") ( model, _, ) = tune_and_fit_predict(model, tuner, train_valid, True) val_pred = model.predict(valid).data logger.debug("Model params", model.params) return model, val_pred
def predict_single_fold(self, model: Any, dataset: TabularDataset) -> np.ndarray: pred = model.predict(dataset).data return pred def _get_search_spaces(self, suggested_params: dict, estimated_n_trials: int) -> dict: return self._ml_algo._get_search_spaces(suggested_params, estimated_n_trials) def get_features_score(self) -> Series: scores = pd.concat([x.get_features_score() for x in self.models], axis=1).mean(axis=1) return scores
[docs] def fit(self, train_valid: TrainValidIterator): """Just to be compatible with :class:`~lightautoml.validation.selection.importance_based.ImportanceEstimator`. Args: train_valid: Classic cv iterator. """ self.fit_predict(train_valid)
[docs]class NestedTabularMLPipeline(MLPipeline): """ Wrapper for MLPipeline to make it trainable over nested folds. Limitations: - Only for TabularMLAlgo - Nested trained only MLAlgo. FeaturesPipelines and SelectionPipelines are trained as usual. """
[docs] def __init__( self, ml_algos: Sequence[Union[TabularMLAlgo, Tuple[TabularMLAlgo, ParamsTuner]]], force_calc: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]] = True, pre_selection: Optional[SelectionPipeline] = None, features_pipeline: Optional[FeaturesPipeline] = None, post_selection: Optional[SelectionPipeline] = None, cv: int = 1, n_folds: Optional[int] = None, inner_tune: bool = False, refit_tuner: bool = False, ): """ Args: ml_algos: Sequence of MLAlgo's or Pair - (MlAlgo, ParamsTuner). force_calc: Flag if single fold of :class:`~lightautoml.ml_algo.base.MlAlgo` should be calculated anyway. pre_selection: Initial feature selection. If ``None`` there is no initial selection. features_pipeline: Composition of feature transforms. post_selection: Post feature selection. If ``None`` there is no post selection. cv: Nested folds cv split. n_folds: Limit of valid iterations from cv. inner_tune: Should we refit tuner each inner cv run or tune ones on outer cv. refit_tuner: Should we refit tuner each inner loop with ``inner_tune==True``. """ if cv > 1: new_ml_algos = [] for n, mt_pair in enumerate(ml_algos): try: mod, tuner = mt_pair except (TypeError, ValueError): mod, tuner = mt_pair, DefaultTuner() if inner_tune: new_ml_algos.append(NestedTabularMLAlgo(mod, tuner, refit_tuner, cv, n_folds)) else: new_ml_algos.append((NestedTabularMLAlgo(mod, None, True, cv, n_folds), tuner)) ml_algos = new_ml_algos super().__init__(ml_algos, force_calc, pre_selection, features_pipeline, post_selection)