Source code for

"""Base classes for MLPipeline."""

from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

from lightautoml.validation.base import TrainValidIterator

from ...dataset.base import LAMLDataset
from ...dataset.utils import concatenate
from ...ml_algo.base import MLAlgo
from ...ml_algo.tuning.base import DefaultTuner
from ...ml_algo.tuning.base import ParamsTuner
from ...ml_algo.utils import tune_and_fit_predict
from ..features.base import EmptyFeaturePipeline
from ..features.base import FeaturesPipeline
from ..selection.base import EmptySelector
from ..selection.base import SelectionPipeline

[docs]class MLPipeline: """Single ML pipeline. Merge together stage of building ML model (every step, excluding model training, is optional): - Pre selection: select features from input data. Performed by :class:`~lightautoml.pipelines.features.SelectionPipeline`. - Features generation: build new features from selected. Performed by :class:`~lightautoml.pipelines.features.FeaturesPipeline`. - Post selection: One more selection step - from created features. Performed by :class:`~lightautoml.pipelines.features.SelectionPipeline`. - Hyperparams optimization for one or multiple ML models. Performed by :class:`~lightautoml.ml_algo.tuning.base.ParamsTuner`. - Train one or multiple ML models: Performed by :class:`~lightautoml.ml_algo.base.MLAlgo`. This step is the only required for at least 1 model. """ @property def used_features(self) -> List[str]: return self.pre_selection.selected_features
[docs] def __init__( self, ml_algos: Sequence[Union[MLAlgo, Tuple[MLAlgo, ParamsTuner]]], force_calc: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]] = True, pre_selection: Optional[SelectionPipeline] = None, features_pipeline: Optional[FeaturesPipeline] = None, post_selection: Optional[SelectionPipeline] = None, ): """ Args: ml_algos: Sequence of MLAlgo's or Pair - (MlAlgo, ParamsTuner). force_calc: Flag if single fold of ml_algo should be calculated anyway. pre_selection: Initial feature selection. If ``None`` there is no initial selection. features_pipeline: Composition of feature transforms. post_selection: Post feature selection. If ``None`` there is no post selection. """ if pre_selection is None: pre_selection = EmptySelector() self.pre_selection = pre_selection if features_pipeline is None: features_pipeline = EmptyFeaturePipeline() self.features_pipeline = features_pipeline if post_selection is None: post_selection = EmptySelector() self.post_selection = post_selection self._ml_algos = [] self.params_tuners = [] for n, mt_pair in enumerate(ml_algos): try: # case when model and tuner are defined mod, tuner = mt_pair except (TypeError, ValueError): # case when only model is definded mod, tuner = mt_pair, DefaultTuner() mod.set_prefix("Mod_{0}".format(n)) self._ml_algos.append(mod) self.params_tuners.append(tuner) self.force_calc = [force_calc] * len(self._ml_algos) if type(force_calc) is bool else force_calc # TODO: Do we need this assert? assert any(self.force_calc), "At least single algo in pipe should be forced to calc"
[docs] def fit_predict(self, train_valid: TrainValidIterator) -> LAMLDataset: """Fit on train/valid iterator and transform on validation part. Args: train_valid: Dataset iterator. Returns: Dataset with predictions of all models. """ self.ml_algos = [] # train and apply pre selection train_valid = train_valid.apply_selector(self.pre_selection) # apply features pipeline train_valid = train_valid.apply_feature_pipeline(self.features_pipeline) # train and apply post selection train_valid = train_valid.apply_selector(self.post_selection) predictions = [] for ml_algo, param_tuner, force_calc in zip(self._ml_algos, self.params_tuners, self.force_calc): ml_algo, preds = tune_and_fit_predict(ml_algo, param_tuner, train_valid, force_calc) if ml_algo is not None: self.ml_algos.append(ml_algo) predictions.append(preds) assert ( len(predictions) > 0 ), "Pipeline finished with 0 models for some reason.\nProbably one or more models failed" predictions = concatenate(predictions) del self._ml_algos return predictions
[docs] def predict(self, dataset: LAMLDataset) -> LAMLDataset: """Predict on new dataset. Args: dataset: Dataset used for prediction. Returns: Dataset with predictions of all trained models. """ dataset = dataset = self.features_pipeline.transform(dataset) dataset = predictions = [] for model in self.ml_algos: pred = model.predict(dataset) predictions.append(pred) predictions = concatenate(predictions) return predictions
[docs] def upd_model_names(self, prefix: str): """Update prefix pipeline models names. Used to fit inside AutoML where multiple models with same names may be trained. Args: prefix: New prefix name. """ for n, mod in enumerate(self._ml_algos): mod.set_prefix(prefix)
[docs] def prune_algos(self, idx: Sequence[int]): """Prune model from pipeline. Used to fit blender - some models may be excluded from final ensemble. Args: idx: Selected algos. """ self.ml_algos = [x for (n, x) in enumerate(self.ml_algos) if n not in idx]