Source code for lightautoml.ml_algo.boost_cb

"""Wrapped Catboost for tabular datasets."""

import logging

from copy import copy
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import catboost as cb
import numpy as np

from pandas import Series

from ..dataset.np_pd_dataset import CSRSparseDataset
from ..dataset.np_pd_dataset import NumpyDataset
from ..dataset.np_pd_dataset import PandasDataset
from ..pipelines.selection.base import ImportanceEstimator
from ..pipelines.utils import get_columns_by_role
from ..utils.logging import LoggerStream
from ..validation.base import TrainValidIterator
from .base import TabularMLAlgo
from .tuning.base import Distribution
from .tuning.base import SearchSpace

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TabularDataset = Union[NumpyDataset, CSRSparseDataset, PandasDataset]

[docs]class BoostCB(TabularMLAlgo, ImportanceEstimator): """Gradient boosting on decision trees from catboost library. All available parameters listed in CatBoost documentation: - freeze_defaults: - ``True`` : params may be rewritten depending on dataset. - ``False``: params may be changed only manually or with tuning. ``timer``: :class:`~lightautoml.utils.timer.Timer` instance or ``None``. """ _name: str = "CatBoost" _default_params = { "task_type": "CPU", "thread_count": 4, "random_seed": 42, "num_trees": 3000, "learning_rate": 0.03, "l2_leaf_reg": 1e-2, "bootstrap_type": "Bernoulli", # "bagging_temperature": 1, "grow_policy": "SymmetricTree", "max_depth": 5, "min_data_in_leaf": 1, "one_hot_max_size": 10, "fold_permutation_block": 1, "boosting_type": "Plain", "boost_from_average": True, "od_type": "Iter", "od_wait": 100, "max_bin": 32, "feature_border_type": "GreedyLogSum", "nan_mode": "Min", # "silent": False, "verbose": True, "allow_writing_files": False, } def _infer_params(self) -> Tuple[dict, int, int, Callable, Callable]: """Infer all parameters. Returns: Tuple (params, num_trees, early_stopping_rounds, fobj, feval). """ params = copy(self.params) early_stopping_rounds = params.pop("od_wait") num_trees = params.pop("num_trees") loss = self.task.losses["cb"] fobj = loss.fobj_name feval = loss.metric_name if fobj not in ["RMSE", "LogLoss", "CrossEntropy", "Quantile", "MAE", "MAPE"]: params.pop("boost_from_average") # TODO: what if parameter of metric occurs in list of parameters of loss -> intersection... return params, num_trees, early_stopping_rounds, fobj, feval
[docs] def init_params_on_input(self, train_valid_iterator: TrainValidIterator) -> dict: """Get model parameters depending on input dataset parameters. Args: train_valid_iterator: Classic cv-iterator. Returns: Parameters of model. """ rows_num = len(train_valid_iterator.train) dataset = train_valid_iterator.train self.task = train_valid_iterator.train.task if train_valid_iterator.train.dataset_type != "CSRSparseDataset": self._nan_rate = train_valid_iterator.train.to_pandas().nan_rate() try: self._le_cat_features = getattr(self, "_le_cat_features") except AttributeError: self._le_cat_features = get_columns_by_role(dataset, "Category", label_encoded=True) try: self._text_features = getattr(self, "_text_features") except AttributeError: self._text_features = get_columns_by_role(dataset, "Text") suggested_params = copy(self.default_params) if self.freeze_defaults: return suggested_params init_lr, ntrees, es = 0.01, 2000, 100 if == "binary": # TODO: with an increase in the number of columns, the learning rate decreases if rows_num <= 6000: init_lr = 0.02 ntrees = 500 elif rows_num <= 20000: init_lr = 0.035 ntrees = 5000 elif rows_num <= 50000: init_lr = 0.03 ntrees = 5000 elif rows_num <= 60000: init_lr = 0.05 ntrees = 2000 elif rows_num <= 100000: init_lr = 0.045 ntrees = 1500 elif rows_num <= 150000: init_lr = 0.045 ntrees = 3000 elif rows_num <= 300000: init_lr = 0.045 ntrees = 2000 else: init_lr = 0.05 ntrees = 3000 elif == "multiclass": init_lr = 0.03 ntrees = 4000 if rows_num <= 100000: ntrees = 3000 elif rows_num <= 50000: ntrees = 3000 elif rows_num <= 10000: ntrees = 3000 elif == "reg": init_lr = 0.05 ntrees = 2000 es = 300 suggested_params["learning_rate"] = init_lr suggested_params["num_trees"] = ntrees suggested_params["od_wait"] = es return suggested_params
def _get_default_search_spaces(self, suggested_params: Dict, estimated_n_trials: int) -> Dict: """Sample hyperparameters from suggested. Args: trial: Optuna trial object. suggested_params: Dict with parameters. estimated_n_trials: Maximum number of hyperparameter estimation. Returns: Dict with sampled hyperparameters. """ optimization_search_space = {} try: nan_rate = getattr(self, "_nan_rate") except AttributeError: nan_rate = 0 optimization_search_space["max_depth"] = SearchSpace(Distribution.INTUNIFORM, low=3, high=7) if nan_rate > 0: optimization_search_space["nan_mode"] = SearchSpace(Distribution.CHOICE, choices=["Max", "Min"]) if estimated_n_trials > 20: optimization_search_space["l2_leaf_reg"] = SearchSpace( Distribution.LOGUNIFORM, low=1e-8, high=10.0, ) # optimization_search_space['bagging_temperature'] = trial.suggest_loguniform( # name='bagging_temperature', # low=0.01, # high=10.0, # ) if estimated_n_trials > 50: optimization_search_space["min_data_in_leaf"] = SearchSpace(Distribution.INTUNIFORM, low=1, high=20) # the only case when used this parameter is when categorical columns more than 0 if len(self._le_cat_features) > 0: optimization_search_space["one_hot_max_size"] = SearchSpace(Distribution.INTUNIFORM, low=3, high=10) return optimization_search_space def _get_pool(self, dataset: TabularDataset): try: self._le_cat_features = getattr(self, "_le_cat_features") except AttributeError: self._le_cat_features = get_columns_by_role(dataset, "Category", label_encoded=True) self._le_cat_features = self._le_cat_features if self._le_cat_features else None try: self._text_features = getattr(self, "_text_features") except AttributeError: self._text_features = get_columns_by_role(dataset, "Text") self._text_features = self._text_features if self._text_features else None dataset = dataset.to_pandas() data = dtypes = data.dtypes.to_dict() if self._le_cat_features: dtypes = {**dtypes, **{x: "int" for x in self._le_cat_features}} # for future if self._text_features: dtypes = {**dtypes, **{x: "int" for x in self._text_features}} data = data.astype(dtypes) if self._le_cat_features: # copy was made in prev astype data.astype({x: "category" for x in self._le_cat_features}, copy=False) if is not None: target, weights = self.task.losses["cb"].fw_func(, dataset.weights) else: target, weights =, dataset.weights pool = cb.Pool( data, label=target, weight=weights, feature_names=dataset.features, cat_features=self._le_cat_features, text_features=self._text_features, ) return pool
[docs] def fit_predict_single_fold(self, train: TabularDataset, valid: TabularDataset) -> Tuple[cb.CatBoost, np.ndarray]: """Implements training and prediction on single fold. Args: train: Train Dataset. valid: Validation Dataset. Returns: Tuple (model, predicted_values). """ params, num_trees, early_stopping_rounds, fobj, feval = self._infer_params() cb_train = self._get_pool(train) cb_valid = self._get_pool(valid) model = cb.CatBoost( { **params, **{ "num_trees": num_trees, "objective": fobj, "eval_metric": feval, "od_wait": early_stopping_rounds, }, } ), eval_set=cb_valid, log_cout=LoggerStream(logger, verbose_eval=100)) val_pred = self._predict(model, cb_valid, params) return model, val_pred
[docs] def predict_single_fold(self, model: cb.CatBoost, dataset: TabularDataset) -> np.ndarray: """Predict of target values for dataset. Args: model: CatBoost object. dataset: Test dataset. Return: Predicted target values. """ params = self._infer_params()[0] cb_test = self._get_pool(dataset) pred = self._predict(model, cb_test, params) return pred
[docs] def get_features_score(self) -> Series: """Computes feature importance. Computes as mean values of feature importance, provided by CatBoost (PredictionValuesChange), per all models. Returns: Series with feature importances. """ # TODO: Not worked if used text features, there is a ticket in their github assert self.is_fitted, "Model must be fitted to compute importance." imp = 0 for model in self.models: imp = imp + model.get_feature_importance( type="FeatureImportance", prettified=False, thread_count=self.params["thread_count"], ) imp = imp / len(self.models) return Series(imp, index=self.features).sort_values(ascending=False)
[docs] def fit(self, train_valid: TrainValidIterator): """Just to be compatible with :class:`~lightautoml.pipelines.selection.base.ImportanceEstimator`. Args: train_valid: Classic cv-iterator. """ self.fit_predict(train_valid)
def _predict(self, model: cb.CatBoost, pool: cb.Pool, params): pred = None if == "multiclass": pred = model.predict(pool, prediction_type="Probability", thread_count=params["thread_count"]) elif == "binary": pred = model.predict(pool, prediction_type="Probability", thread_count=params["thread_count"])[..., 1] elif == "reg": pred = model.predict(pool, thread_count=params["thread_count"]) pred = self.task.losses["cb"].bw_func(pred) return pred