Source code for lightautoml.text.weighted_average_transformer

"""Weighted average transformer for sequence embeddings."""

import logging

from collections import Counter
from itertools import repeat
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np

from scipy.linalg import svd
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from tqdm import tqdm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WeightedAverageTransformer(TransformerMixin): """Weighted average of word embeddings. Calculate sentence embedding as weighted average of word embeddings. Args: embedding_model: word2vec, fasstext, etc. Should have dict interface {<word>: <embedding>}. embed_size: Size of embedding. weight_type: 'idf' for idf weights, 'sif' for smoothed inverse frequency weights, '1' for all weights are equal. use_svd: Substract projection onto first singular vector. alpha: Param for sif weights. verbose: Add prints. **kwargs: Unused arguments. """ name = "WAT" def __init__( self, embedding_model: Dict, embed_size: int, weight_type: str = "idf", use_svd: bool = True, alpha: int = 0.001, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ): super(WeightedAverageTransformer, self).__init__() if weight_type not in ["sif", "idf", "1"]: raise Exception("weights should be one of ['sif', 'idf', '1']") self.weight_type = weight_type self.alpha = alpha self.embedding_model = embedding_model self.embed_size = embed_size self.use_svd = use_svd self.verbose = verbose self.weights_ = None self.u_ = None self.w_all = 0 self.w_emb = 0
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Module name. Returns: string with module name. """ return + "_" + self.weight_type
[docs] def get_out_shape(self) -> int: """Output shape. Returns: Int with module output shape. """ return self.embed_size
[docs] def reset_statistic(self): """Reset module statistics.""" self.w_all = 0 self.w_emb = 0
[docs] def get_statistic(self): """Get module statistics.""" logger.info3(f"N_words: {self.w_all}, N_emb: {self.w_emb}, coverage: {self.w_emb / self.w_all}.")
def get_embedding_(self, sentence: Sequence[str]) -> np.ndarray: # noqa: D102 result = np.zeros((self.embed_size,)) for word in sentence: self.w_all += 1 if word in self.embedding_model and word in self.weights_: self.w_emb += 1 result += self.embedding_model[word] * self.weights_[word] if len(sentence) > 0: result = result / len(sentence) return result.reshape(1, -1) def fit(self, sentences: Sequence[str]): # noqa: D102 self.reset_statistic() dict_vec = DictVectorizer() occurances = dict_vec.fit_transform([dict(Counter(x)) for x in sentences]) if self.weight_type == "idf": nd = np.asarray((occurances > 0).sum(axis=0)).ravel() idf = np.log1p((occurances.shape[0] + 1) / (nd + 1)) self.weights_ = dict(zip(dict_vec.feature_names_, idf)) elif self.weight_type == "sif": nd = np.asarray((occurances > 0).sum(axis=0)).ravel() pw = (nd + 1) / (occurances.shape[0] + 1) pw = self.alpha / (self.alpha + pw) self.weights_ = dict(zip(dict_vec.feature_names_, pw)) else: self.weights_ = dict(zip(dict_vec.feature_names_, repeat(1))) if self.use_svd: if self.verbose: sentences = tqdm(sentences) sentence_embeddings = np.vstack([self.get_embedding_(x) for x in sentences]) u, _, _ = svd(sentence_embeddings.T, full_matrices=False) self.u_ = u[:, 0] return self def transform(self, sentences: Sequence[str]) -> np.ndarray: # noqa: D102 self.reset_statistic() sentence_embeddings = np.vstack([self.get_embedding_(x) for x in sentences]) if self.use_svd: proj = (self.u_.reshape(-1, 1) *, -1)).T sentence_embeddings = sentence_embeddings - proj return sentence_embeddings.astype(np.float32)