Source code for lightautoml.tasks.losses.cb_custom

"""Custom metrics and loss functions for Catboost."""

from typing import Callable

import numpy as np

# TODO: Calc metrics on gpu slow down warning. Check it

[docs]class CBCustomMetric: """Metric wrapper class for CatBoost. Args: metric: Callable metric. greater_is_better: Bool with metric direction. """ def __init__(self, metric: Callable, greater_is_better: bool = True, bw_func: Callable = None): self.metric = metric self.greater_is_better = greater_is_better self._bw_func = bw_func @staticmethod def get_final_error(error, weight): # noqa D102 return error def is_max_optimal(self): # noqa D102 return self.greater_is_better
[docs] def evaluate(self, approxes, target, weight): """Calculate metric.""" raise NotImplementedError
def _transform(self, approxes, target): target = np.array(target) pred = np.array(approxes[0]) if self._bw_func is not None: target = self._bw_func(target) pred = self._bw_func(pred) return pred, target def _evaluate(self, approxes, target, weight): pred, target = self._transform(approxes, target) if weight is None: score = self.metric(target, pred) return score, 1 else: try: score = self.metric(target, pred, sample_weight=np.array(weight)) except TypeError: score = self.metric(target, pred) return score, weight
[docs]class CBRegressionMetric(CBCustomMetric): """Regression metric wrapper for CatBoost."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, approxes, target, weight): """Calculate metric.""" assert len(approxes) == 1 assert len(approxes[0]) == len(target) assert weight is None or len(target) == len(weight) return self._evaluate(approxes, target, weight)
[docs]class CBClassificationMetric(CBCustomMetric): """Classification metric wrapper for CatBoost.""" def __init__( self, metric: Callable, greater_is_better: bool, bw_func: Callable = None, use_proba: bool = True, ): super(CBClassificationMetric, self).__init__(metric, greater_is_better, bw_func) self.use_proba = use_proba def _transform(self, approxes, target): target = np.array(target) pred = np.array(approxes[0]) if self._bw_func is not None: pred = self._bw_func(pred) pred = np.exp(pred) pred = pred / (1 + pred) if self.use_proba: return pred, target else: return np.round(pred), target
[docs] def evaluate(self, approxes, target, weight): """Calculate metric.""" assert len(approxes) == 1 assert len(approxes[0]) == len(target) assert weight is None or len(target) == len(weight) return self._evaluate(approxes, target, weight)
[docs]class CBMulticlassMetric(CBCustomMetric): """Multiclassification metric wrapper for CatBoost.""" def __init__( self, metric: Callable, greater_is_better: bool, bw_func: Callable = None, use_proba: bool = True, ): super().__init__(metric, greater_is_better, bw_func) self.use_proba = use_proba def _transform(self, approxes, target): target = np.array(target) pred = np.array(approxes) if self._bw_func is not None: pred = self._bw_func(pred) pred = np.exp(approxes) pred = pred / (1 + pred) if self.use_proba: return pred, target else: return np.argmax(pred, axis=0), target
[docs] def evaluate(self, approxes, target, weight): """Calculate metric.""" assert len(approxes[0]) == len(target) assert weight is None or len(target) == len(weight) return self._evaluate(approxes, target, weight)