Source code for lightautoml.tasks.base

"""Contain Task object and metric wrappers."""

import inspect
import logging

from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from .common_metric import _valid_metric_args
from .common_metric import _valid_str_metric_names
from .losses import CBLoss
from .losses import LGBLoss
from .losses import SKLoss
from .losses import TORCHLoss
from .utils import infer_gib
from .utils import infer_gib_multiclass

    from ..dataset.base import LAMLDataset
    from ..dataset.np_pd_dataset import NumpyDataset
    from ..dataset.np_pd_dataset import PandasDataset

    SklearnCompatible = Union[NumpyDataset, PandasDataset]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_valid_task_names = ["binary", "reg", "multiclass", "multi:reg", "multilabel"]
_one_dim_output_tasks = ["binary", "reg"]

_default_losses = {
    "binary": "logloss",
    "reg": "mse",
    "multiclass": "crossentropy",
    "multi:reg": "mae",
    "multilabel": "logloss",

_default_metrics = {
    "binary": "auc",
    "reg": "mse",
    "multiclass": "crossentropy",
    "multi:reg": "mae",
    "multilabel": "logloss",

_valid_loss_types = ["lgb", "sklearn", "torch", "cb"]

_valid_str_loss_names = {
    "binary": ["logloss"],
    "reg": ["mse", "mae", "mape", "rmsle", "quantile", "huber", "fair"],
    "multiclass": ["crossentropy", "f1"],
    "multi:reg": ["mae", "mse"],
    "multilabel": ["logloss"],

_valid_loss_args = {"quantile": ["q"], "huber": ["a"], "fair": ["c"]}

class LAMLMetric:
    """Abstract class for metric.

    Metric should be called on dataset.


    greater_is_better = True

    def __call__(self, dataset: "LAMLDataset", dropna: bool = False):
        """Call metric on dataset.

            dataset: Table with data.
            dropna: To ignore NaN in metric calculation.

        Returns:  # noqa DAR202
            Metric value.

            AttributeError: If metric isn't defined.

        assert hasattr(dataset, "target"), "Dataset should have target to calculate metric"
        raise NotImplementedError

class ArgsWrapper:
    """Wrapper - ignore sample_weight if metric not accepts.

        func: Metric function.
        metric_params: Additional metric parameters.


    def __init__(self, func: Callable, metric_params: dict):
        keys = inspect.signature(func).parameters
        self.flg = "sample_weight" in keys
        self.func = partial(func, **metric_params)

    def __call__(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
        """Calculate metric value.

        If the metric does not include weights, then they are ignored.

            y_true: Ground truth target values.
            y_pred: Estimated target values.
            sample_weight: Sample weights.

            Metric value.

        if self.flg:
            return self.func(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight)

        return self.func(y_true, y_pred)

class SkMetric(LAMLMetric):
    """Abstract class for scikit-learn compatible metric.

    Implements metric calculation in sklearn format on numpy/pandas datasets.

        metric: Specifies metric. Format:
            ``func(y_true, y_false, Optional[sample_weight], **kwargs)`` -> `float`.
        name: Name of metric.
        greater_is_better: Whether or not higher metric value is better.
        one_dim: `True` for single class, False for multiclass.
        weighted: Weights of classes.
        **kwargs: Other parameters for metric.


    def metric(self) -> Callable:
        """Metric function."""
        assert self._metric is not None, "Metric calculation is not defined"
        return self._metric

    def name(self) -> str:
        """Name of used metric."""
        if self._name is None:
            return "AutoML Metric"
            return self._name

    def __init__(
        metric: Optional[Callable] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        greater_is_better: bool = True,
        one_dim: bool = True,
        **kwargs: Any,
        self._metric = metric
        self._name = name

        self.greater_is_better = greater_is_better
        self.one_dim = one_dim
        # self.weighted = weighted

        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def __call__(self, dataset: "SklearnCompatible", dropna: bool = False) -> float:
        """Implement call sklearn metric on dataset.

            dataset: Dataset in Numpy or Pandas format.
            dropna: To ignore NaN in metric calculation.

            Metric value.

            AssertionError: if dataset has no target or
                target specified as one-dimensioned, but it is not.

        assert hasattr(dataset, "target"), "Dataset should have target to calculate metric"
        if self.one_dim:
            assert dataset.shape[1] == 1, "Dataset should have single column if metric is one_dim"
        # TODO: maybe refactor this part?
        dataset = dataset.to_numpy()
        y_true =
        y_pred =
        sample_weight = dataset.weights

        if dropna:
            sl = ~np.isnan(y_pred).any(axis=1)
            y_pred = y_pred[sl]
            y_true = y_true[sl]
            if sample_weight is not None:
                sample_weight = sample_weight[sl]

        if self.one_dim:
            y_pred = y_pred[:, 0]

        value = self.metric(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight)
        sign = 2 * float(self.greater_is_better) - 1
        return value * sign

[docs]class Task: """Specify task (binary classification, multiclass classification, regression), metrics, losses. Args: name: Task name. loss: Objective function or dict of functions. loss_params: Additional loss parameters, if dict there is no presence check for loss_params. metric: String name or callable. metric_params: Additional metric parameters. greater_is_better: Whether or not higher value is better. Note: There is 3 different task types: - `'binary'` - for binary classification. - `'reg'` - for regression. - `'multiclass'` - for multiclass classification. Avaliable losses for binary task: - `'logloss'` - (uses by default) Standard logistic loss. Avaliable losses for regression task: - `'mse'` - (uses by default) Mean Squared Error. - `'mae'` - Mean Absolute Error. - `'mape'` - Mean Absolute Percentage Error. - `'rmsle'` - Root Mean Squared Log Error. - `'huber'` - Huber loss, reqired params: ``a`` - threshold between MAE and MSE losses. - `'fair'` - Fair loss, required params: ``c`` - sets smoothness. - `'quantile'` - Quantile loss, required params: ``q`` - sets quantile. Avaliable losses for multi-classification task: - `'crossentropy'` - (uses by default) Standard crossentropy function. - `'f1'` - Optimizes F1-Macro Score, now avaliable for LightGBM and NN models. Here we implicitly assume that the prediction lies not in the set ``{0, 1}``, but in the interval ``[0, 1]``. Available metrics for binary task: - `'auc'` - (uses by default) ROC-AUC score. - `'accuracy'` - Accuracy score (uses argmax prediction). - `'logloss'` - Standard logistic loss. Avaliable metrics for regression task: - `'mse'` - (uses by default) Mean Squared Error. - `'mae'` - Mean Absolute Error. - `'mape'` - Mean Absolute Percentage Error. - `'rmsle'` - Root Mean Squared Log Error. - `'huber'` - Huber loss, reqired params: ``a`` - threshold between MAE and MSE losses. - `'fair'` - Fair loss, required params: ``c`` - sets smoothness. - `'quantile'` - Quantile loss, required params: ``q`` - sets quantile. Avaliable metrics for multi-classification task: - `'crossentropy'` - (uses by default) Standard cross-entropy loss. - `'auc'` - ROC-AUC of each class against the rest. - `'auc_mu'` - AUC-Mu. Multi-class extension of standard AUC for binary classification. In short, mean of n_classes * (n_classes - 1) / 2 binary AUCs. More info on Example: >>> task = Task('binary', metric='auc') """ @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of task.""" return self._name def __init__( self, name: str, loss: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None, loss_params: Optional[Dict] = None, metric: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None, metric_params: Optional[Dict] = None, greater_is_better: Optional[bool] = None, ): assert name in _valid_task_names, "Invalid task name: {}, allowed task names: {}".format( name, _valid_task_names ) self._name = name # add losses # if None - infer from task self.losses = {} if loss is None: loss = _default_losses[] if loss_params is None: loss_params = {} # case - infer from string if type(loss) is str: # case when parameters defined if len(loss_params) > 0: self._check_loss_from_params(loss, loss_params) # check if loss and metric are the same - rewrite loss params # ??? "rewrite METRIC params" ??? if loss == metric: metric_params = loss_params logger.info2("As loss and metric are equal, metric params are ignored.") else: assert ( loss not in _valid_loss_args ), "Loss should be defined with arguments. Ex. loss='quantile', loss_params={'q': 0.7}." loss_params = None assert loss in _valid_str_loss_names[], "Invalid loss name: {} for task {}.".format( loss, ) for loss_key, loss_factory in zip(["lgb", "sklearn", "torch", "cb"], [LGBLoss, SKLoss, TORCHLoss, CBLoss]): try: self.losses[loss_key] = loss_factory(loss, loss_params=loss_params) except (AssertionError, TypeError, ValueError): logger.info2("{0} doesn't support in general case {1} and will not be used.".format(loss_key, loss)) # self.losses[loss_key] = loss_factory(loss, loss_params=loss_params) assert len(self.losses) > 0, "None of frameworks supports {0} loss.".format(loss) elif type(loss) is dict: # case - dict passed directly # TODO: check loss parameters? # Or it there will be assert when use functools.partial # assert all(map(lambda x: x in _valid_loss_types, loss)), 'Invalid loss key.' assert len([key for key in loss.keys() if key in _valid_loss_types]) != len(loss), "Invalid loss key." self.losses = loss else: raise TypeError("Loss passed incorrectly.") # set callback metric for loss # if no metric - infer from task if metric is None: metric = _default_metrics[] self.metric_params = {} if metric_params is not None: self.metric_params = metric_params if type(metric) is str: self._check_metric_from_params(metric, self.metric_params) metric_func = _valid_str_metric_names[][metric] metric_func = partial(metric_func, **self.metric_params) self.metric_func = metric_func self.metric_name = metric else: metric = ArgsWrapper(metric, self.metric_params) self.metric_params = {} self.metric_func = metric self.metric_name = None if greater_is_better is None: infer_gib_fn = infer_gib_multiclass if (name == "multiclass" or name == "multilabel") else infer_gib greater_is_better = infer_gib_fn(self.metric_func) self.greater_is_better = greater_is_better for loss_key in self.losses: try: self.losses[loss_key].set_callback_metric(metric, greater_is_better, self.metric_params, except: print(f"{} isn`t supported in {loss_key}")
[docs] def get_dataset_metric(self) -> LAMLMetric: """Create metric for dataset. Get metric that is called on dataset. Returns: Metric in scikit-learn compatible format. """ # for now - case of sklearn metric only one_dim = in _one_dim_output_tasks dataset_metric = SkMetric( self.metric_func, name=self.metric_name, one_dim=one_dim, greater_is_better=self.greater_is_better, ) return dataset_metric
@staticmethod def _check_loss_from_params(loss_name, loss_params): if loss_name in _valid_loss_args: required_params = set(_valid_loss_args[loss_name]) else: required_params = set() given_params = set(loss_params) extra_params = given_params - required_params assert len(extra_params) == 0, "For loss {0} given extra params {1}".format(loss_name, extra_params) needed_params = required_params - given_params assert len(needed_params) == 0, "For loss {0} required params {1} are not defined".format( loss_name, needed_params ) @staticmethod def _check_metric_from_params(metric_name, metric_params): if metric_name in _valid_metric_args: required_params = set(_valid_loss_args[metric_name]) else: required_params = set() given_params = set(metric_params) extra_params = given_params - required_params assert len(extra_params) == 0, "For metric {0} given extra params {1}".format(metric_name, extra_params) needed_params = required_params - given_params assert len(needed_params) == 0, "For metric {0} required params {1} are not defined".format( metric_name, needed_params )