Source code for lightautoml.ml_algo.tuning.base

"""Base classes to implement hyperparameter tuning."""

from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import overload

from lightautoml.dataset.base import LAMLDataset

from lightautoml.ml_algo.base import MLAlgo
from lightautoml.validation.base import TrainValidIterator

class DistributionBase(ABC):

        ABC (_type_): _description_


class Choice(DistributionBase):

        DistributionBase (_type_): _description_

    def __init__(self, options) -> None:
        self.options = options

class Uniform(DistributionBase):

        DistributionBase (_type_): _description_

    def __init__(self, low, high, q=None, log=False) -> None:
        self.low = low
        self.high = high
        self.q = q
        self.log = log

class Normal(DistributionBase):

        DistributionBase (_type_): _description_

    def __init__(self, low, high, q=None, log=False) -> None:
        self.low = low
        self.high = high
        self.q = q
        self.log = log

[docs]class ParamsTuner(ABC): """Base abstract class for hyperparameters tuners.""" _name: str = "AbstractTuner" _best_params: Dict = None _fit_on_holdout: bool = False # if tuner should be fitted on holdout set @property def best_params(self) -> dict: """Get best params. Returns: Dict with best fitted params. """ assert hasattr(self, "_best_params"), "ParamsTuner should be fitted first" return self._best_params @overload def fit( self, ml_algo: "MLAlgo", train_valid_iterator: Optional[TrainValidIterator] = None, ) -> Tuple["MLAlgo", LAMLDataset]: ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def fit( self, ml_algo: "MLAlgo", train_valid_iterator: Optional[TrainValidIterator] = None, ) -> Tuple[None, None]: """Tune model hyperparameters. Args: ml_algo: ML algorithm. train_valid_iterator: Classic cv-iterator. Returns: (None, None) if ml_algo is fitted or models are not fitted during training, (BestMLAlgo, BestPredictionsLAMLDataset) otherwise. """
[docs]class DefaultTuner(ParamsTuner): """Default realization of ParamsTuner - just take algo's defaults.""" _name: str = "DefaultTuner"
[docs] def fit( self, ml_algo: "MLAlgo", train_valid_iterator: Optional[TrainValidIterator] = None, ) -> Tuple[None, None]: """Default fit method - just save defaults. Args: ml_algo: Algorithm that is tuned. train_valid_iterator: Empty. Returns: Tuple (None, None). """ self._best_params = ml_algo.init_params_on_input(train_valid_iterator=train_valid_iterator) return None, None