Source code for lightautoml.addons.utilization.utilization

"""Tools to configure time utilization."""

import logging

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

from ...automl.base import AutoML
from ...automl.blend import BestModelSelector
from ...automl.blend import Blender
from ...automl.presets.base import AutoMLPreset
from ...dataset.base import LAMLDataset
from ...dataset.utils import concatenate
from ...ml_algo.base import MLAlgo
from import MLPipeline
from ...tasks import Task
from ...utils.logging import set_stdout_level
from ...utils.logging import verbosity_to_loglevel
from ...utils.timer import PipelineTimer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MLAlgoForAutoMLWrapper(MLAlgo):
    """Wrapper to apply blender to list of automl's."""

    def from_automls(cls, automl: Union[AutoML, Sequence[AutoML]]):
        """Constructs automls.

            automl: One AutoML or list of AutoML objects.


        ml_algo = cls()

        return ml_algo

    def fit_predict(self, *args, **kwargs) -> LAMLDataset:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def predict(self, *args, **kwargs) -> LAMLDataset:
        raise NotImplementedError

class MLPipeForAutoMLWrapper(MLPipeline):
    """Wrapper to apply blender to list of automls."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.ml_algos = self._ml_algos

    def from_automl(cls, automl: AutoML):
        ml_pipe = cls([MLAlgoForAutoMLWrapper.from_automls(automl)])

        return ml_pipe

    def from_blended(cls, automls: Sequence[AutoML], blender: Blender):
        ml_pipe = cls(
        ml_pipe.blender = blender

        return ml_pipe

[docs]class TimeUtilization: """Class that helps to utilize given time to :class:`~lightautoml.automl.presets.base.AutoMLPreset`. Useful to calc benchmarks and compete It takes list of config files as input and run it white time limit exceeded. If time left - it can perform multistart on same configs with new random state. In best case - blend different configurations of single preset. In worst case - averaging multiple automl's with different states. Note: Basic usage. >>> ensembled_automl = TimeUtilization(TabularAutoML, Task('binary'), >>> timeout=3600, configs_list=['cfg0.yml', 'cfg1.yml']) Then ``.fit_predict`` and predict can be called like usual :class:`~lightautoml.automl.base.AutoML` class. Args: automl_factory: One of presets. task: Task to solve. timeout: Timeout in seconds. memory_limit: Memory limit that are passed to each automl. cpu_limit: Cpu limit that that are passed to each automl. gpu_ids: Gpu_ids that are passed to each automl. verbose: Controls the verbosity: the higher, the more messages. <1 : messages are not displayed; >=1 : the computation process for layers is displayed; >=2 : the information about folds processing is also displayed; >=3 : the hyperparameters optimization process is also displayed; >=4 : the training process for every algorithm is displayed; timing_params: Timing_params level that are passed to each automl. configs_list: List of str path to configs files. inner_blend: Blender instance to blend automl's with same configs and different random state. outer_blend: Blender instance to blend averaged by random_state automl's with different configs. drop_last: Usually last automl will be stopped with timeout. Flag that defines if we should drop it from ensemble return_all_predictions: Skip blend and return all model predictions max_runs_per_config: Maximum number of multistart loops. random_state_keys: Params of config that used as random state with initial values. If ``None`` - search for `random_state` key in default config of preset. If not found - assume, that seeds are not fixed and each run is random by default. For example ``{'reader_params': {'random_state': 42}, 'gbm_params': {'default_params': {'seed': 42}}}`` random_state: initial random seed, that will be set in case of search in config. **kwargs: Additional params. """ def __init__( self, automl_factory: Type[AutoMLPreset], task: Task, timeout: int = 3600, memory_limit: int = 16, cpu_limit: int = 4, gpu_ids: Optional[str] = None, timing_params: Optional[dict] = None, configs_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, inner_blend: Optional[Blender] = None, outer_blend: Optional[Blender] = None, drop_last: bool = True, return_all_predictions: bool = False, max_runs_per_config: int = 5, random_state_keys: Optional[dict] = None, random_state: int = 42, **kwargs, ): self.automl_factory = automl_factory self.task = task self.timeout = timeout self.memory_limit = memory_limit self.cpu_limit = cpu_limit self.gpu_ids = gpu_ids self.timing_params = timing_params if timing_params is None: self.timing_params = {} self.configs_list = configs_list if configs_list is None: self.configs_list = [None] self.max_runs_per_config = max_runs_per_config self.random_state_keys = random_state_keys if random_state_keys is None: self.random_state_keys = self._search_for_states(automl_factory, random_state) self.inner_blend = inner_blend if inner_blend is None: self.inner_blend = BestModelSelector() self.outer_blend = outer_blend if outer_blend is None: self.outer_blend = BestModelSelector() self.drop_last = drop_last self.return_all_predictions = return_all_predictions self.kwargs = kwargs def _search_for_key(self, config, key, value: int = 42) -> dict: d = {} if key in config: d[key] = value for k in config: if type(config[k]) is dict: s = self._search_for_key(config[k], key, value) if len(s) > 0: d[k] = s return d def _search_for_states(self, automl_factory: Type[AutoMLPreset], random_state: int = 42) -> dict: config = automl_factory.get_config() random_states = self._search_for_key(config, "random_state", random_state) return random_states def _get_upd_states(self, random_state_keys: dict, upd_value: int = 0) -> dict: d = {} for k in random_state_keys: if type(random_state_keys[k]) is dict: d[k] = self._get_upd_states(random_state_keys[k], upd_value) else: d[k] = random_state_keys[k] + upd_value return d
[docs] def fit_predict( self, train_data: Any, roles: dict, train_features: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, cv_iter: Optional[Iterable] = None, valid_data: Optional[Any] = None, valid_features: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, verbose: int = 0, log_file: str = None, ) -> LAMLDataset: """Fit and get prediction on validation dataset. Almost same as :meth:`lightautoml.automl.base.AutoML.fit_predict`. Additional features - working with different data formats. Supported now: - Path to ``.csv``, ``.parquet``, ``.feather`` files. - :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or dict of :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. For example, ``{'data': X...}``. In this case, roles are optional, but `train_features` and `valid_features` required. - :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Args: train_data: Dataset to train. roles: Roles dict. train_features: Optional features names, if can't be inferred from `train_data`. cv_iter: Custom cv-iterator. For example, :class:`~lightautoml.validation.np_iterators.TimeSeriesIterator`. valid_data: Optional validation dataset. valid_features: Optional validation dataset features if cannot be inferred from `valid_data`. verbose: Verbose. log_file: Log filename. Returns: Dataset with predictions. Call ``.data`` to get predictions array. """ set_stdout_level(verbosity_to_loglevel(verbose))"Start automl \x1b[1mutilizator\x1b[0m with listed constraints:")"- time: {self.timeout:.2f} seconds")"- CPU: {self.cpu_limit} cores")"- memory: {self.memory_limit} GB\n")"\x1b[1mIf one preset completes earlier, next preset configuration will be started\x1b[0m\n") timer = PipelineTimer(self.timeout, **self.timing_params).start() history = [] amls = [[] for _ in range(len(self.configs_list))] aml_preds = [[] for _ in range(len(self.configs_list))] n_ms = 0 n_cfg = 0 upd_state_val = 0 flg_continute = True # train automls one by one while timer is ok while flg_continute: n_ms += 1"=" * 50) for n_cfg, config in enumerate(self.configs_list): random_states = self._get_upd_states(self.random_state_keys, upd_state_val) random_states["general_params"] = {"return_all_predictions": False} upd_state_val += 1"Start {n_cfg} automl preset configuration:")"\x1b[1m{}\x1b[0m, random state: {}".format(config.split("/")[-1], random_states)) cur_kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() for k in random_states.keys(): if k in self.kwargs: logger.info3("Found {} in kwargs, need to combine".format(k)) random_states[k] = {**cur_kwargs[k], **random_states[k]} del cur_kwargs[k] logger.info3("Merged variant for {} = {}".format(k, random_states[k])) automl = self.automl_factory( self.task, timer.time_left, memory_limit=self.memory_limit, cpu_limit=self.cpu_limit, gpu_ids=self.gpu_ids, timing_params=self.timing_params, config_path=config, **random_states, **cur_kwargs, ) val_pred = automl.fit_predict( train_data, roles, train_features, cv_iter, valid_data, valid_features, verbose=verbose, log_file=log_file, )"=" * 50) amls[n_cfg].append(MLPipeForAutoMLWrapper.from_automl(automl)) aml_preds[n_cfg].append(val_pred) history.append(timer.time_spent - sum(history)) if timer.time_left < (sum(history) / len(history)) or upd_state_val >= ( self.max_runs_per_config * len(self.configs_list) ): flg_continute = False break # usually last model will be not complete due to timeout. # Maybe it's better to remove it from inner blend, which is typically just mean of models if n_ms > 1 and self.drop_last: amls[n_cfg].pop() aml_preds[n_cfg].pop() # prune empty algos amls = [x for x in amls if len(x) > 0] aml_preds = [x for x in aml_preds if len(x) > 0] # blend - first is inner blend - we blend same config with different states inner_pipes = [] inner_preds = [] for preds, pipes in zip(aml_preds, amls): inner_blend = deepcopy(self.inner_blend) val_pred, inner_pipe = inner_blend.fit_predict(preds, pipes) inner_pipe = [x.ml_algos[0].models[0] for x in inner_pipe] inner_preds.append(val_pred) inner_pipes.append(MLPipeForAutoMLWrapper.from_blended(inner_pipe, inner_blend)) # outer blend - blend of blends if not self.return_all_predictions: val_pred, self.outer_pipes = self.outer_blend.fit_predict(inner_preds, inner_pipes) else: val_pred = concatenate(inner_preds) self.outer_pipes = inner_pipes return val_pred
[docs] def predict( self, data: Any, features_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, return_all_predictions: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> LAMLDataset: """Get dataset with predictions. Almost same as :meth:`lightautoml.automl.base.AutoML.predict` on new dataset, with additional features. Additional features - working with different data formats. Supported now: - Path to ``.csv``, ``.parquet``, ``.feather`` files. - :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or dict of :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. For example, ``{'data': X...}``. In this case roles are optional, but `train_features` and `valid_features` required. - :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Args: data: Dataset to perform inference. features_names: Optional features names, if cannot be inferred from `train_data`. return_all_predictions: bool - skip blending phase **kwargs: Other params. Returns: Dataset with predictions. """ if return_all_predictions is None or self.return_all_predictions: return_all_predictions = self.return_all_predictions outer_preds = [] for amls_pipe in self.outer_pipes: inner_preds = [] # TODO: Maybe refactor? for automl in amls_pipe.ml_algos[0].models[0]: inner_pred = automl.predict(data, features_names, **kwargs) inner_preds.append(inner_pred) outer_pred = amls_pipe.blender.predict(inner_preds) outer_preds.append(outer_pred) # pred = self.outer_blend.predict(outer_preds) if not return_all_predictions: pred = self.outer_blend.predict(outer_preds) else: pred = concatenate(outer_preds) return pred